• Bill Duane and Associates LLC

    Innovation mindset and strategy for compasionate and effective impact
















    The Heart of Innovation

    Change is happening faster than ever and we need to invent new ways of doing things, but operating skilfully in complexity and ambiguity is challening for indiviuals and organizations. Bill and his team enable innovation, transformation and managing complexity in diverse cross cultural environments. Bill blends 12 years at Google and 10 years of consulting experience in healthcare, manufacturing, finance, telecom and media with studies in neuroscience, AI, team effectiveness, complexity theory, Integral theory, and mindfulness to spark new ways of being and doing.

  • Featured Media

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    The world needs innovation now more than ever. The good news is that you can train yourself to be a better innovator. Join former Google Engineering Executive and Superintendent of Well-being Bill Duane as he dives deep with innovators from business, science, social change and technology on the internal innovation that unlocks external innovation.

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    Does it matter if this is just a set of algorithms following a complex set of rules to display emotions, even though actually the AI has no feelings?

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    What if care was demonstrated to be a key driver of intelligence across animals, humans and even machines?
    Could a system of infinite care as outlined in the Buddhist concept of a Bodhisattva provide a testable method for increasing intelligence in humans and AI and beyond?
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    At our recent workshop at Namo Buddha, Nepal, we asked the CSAS research team about the trustworthiness of both humans and AI. Watch here for their individual angles on this question of trust.
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    COVID, anxiety, performance and seeing a path through crisis to better systems

    During crisis, operational and personal resilience require innovative thinking and interpersonal cohesion. CNBC’s Sharon Epperson speaks with Harvard psychologist Luana Marques and former Google performance guru Bill Duane to break down the science and offer up solutions to mitigate anxiety.

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    The relationship between humans and technology has attracted increasing attention with the advent of ever stronger models of artificial intelligence. Humans and technology are intertwined within multiple autopoietic loops of stress, care, and intelligence. This paper suggests that technology should not be seen as a mere tool serving humans’ needs, but rather as a partner in a rich relationship with humans. Our model for understanding autopoietic systems applies equally to biological, technological, and hybrid systems.
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    Even before the pandemic struck, remote work was accelerating in the U.S. But the next few months will be a very strange test of our white-collar future.

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    Hundreds of millions of people around the world were suffering from common mental health issues including anxiety and depression before Covid-19, and the scale of the health-care crisis has escalated as a result of the pandemic. But demand for mental health services is far outstripping the available supply of trained professionals. Machines are rising to the challenge as a first point of contact for struggling individuals, but just how far can the robot brain go in treating the mind of the human individual?​



  • For Profit Work

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    Bill Duane is the principal at Bill Duane and Associates. He helps organizations execute well in ambiguity and rapid change through innovation, managing complexity and resilience with a focus on AI. He works with leading companies including tech, pharma and media as well as teaching workshops at Stanford’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. Clients include Google, The White House, Genentech, Amazon, The World Business Dialog, Google X, Partnership on AI, The Kennedy Forum, Bayer, Cross Labs AI, Roche, Form Energy, Sri Lanka Association of Software and Service Companies, Area 120, New Conversations Initiative, Blackbox Connect, Google for Startups, Hopelab, The Dakota Foundation and the Earth Species Project.

    More Information

  • Nonprofit Work

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    Strategy and Implementation Lead at the Center for the Study of Apparent Selves

    Distilling Synergistic Value between Buddhism and AI


    The ancient practices and philosophy of Buddhist monastics may seem to have little relation to the current headlines about the promises and perils of artificial intelligence. However, ego-less compassion, non-discursive intelligence, and other such key Buddhist concepts hold—when rigorously unpacked, translated and made applicable to real world AI concerns—the promise of addressing key AI issues, such as moral decisions, unexpected consequences, human flourishing and exploring the similarities and differences between human and machine intelligences.


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    Fellowship Advisor At Just Economy Institute

    RSF fellows are financial activists leveraging capital as a tool for positive change. Bill advises RSF Fellows on:

    • Career envisioning and implementation
    • Personal development
    • Managing audacious goals and burnout
    • Effective teams and organizations
    • Creating organizational culture
    • Fostering innovation and social change

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    Advisor at Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute

    SIYLI was born at Google to take the world renowned Search Inside Yourself mindfulness based emotional intelligence class to the world. Over 20,000 people have taken the SIY program in more than 100 cities.

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